Frequently Asked Questions
In this section we collect the most common doubts or questions that may arise. If you do not find a response in this section to what you are looking for, we invite you to contact us and let us know your query.
Choosing the right quality for your label is an important decision. We will recommend a specific quality to you based on your requirements. We will inform you about the characteristics of the most common options.
– Taffeta quality. This is the standard quality. It offers good resolution at a competitive price.
– High definition quality (Damask). Excellent definition, very sharp lines and intense colours are its main characteristics. This quality is recommended in all cases where you need to emphasize the quality of the product.
– Satin quality. This is very bright. These labels are mainly in white or black ground colours.
If in doubt, contact our sales department. We will give you an evaluation as to which label best fits the specific needs of your product.
The label finish depends on the intended use. If the label is sewn in the neck of a shirt, or is in direct contact with the skin, we would recommend that the label be end folded. If it is to be applied to a t-shirt, it might be possible to center fold the label. If so, the two ends of the label could be sewn in through the upper side to the t-shirt. If the label is sewn in on all four sides on the outside of the garment, we would recommend that it be straight cut on the ends.
Contact the sales department, and let us know your specific needs. We will look for the right solution to your particular challenge.
The CutSonic Plus system gives a very smooth and high-quality finish to the edge of the label. It is higly recommended in all cases when the label comes in direct contact with the skin. If the label is applied on the neck of a shirt, on underwear or on baby garments, CutSonic Plus will be a major advantage over other standard finishes.
We have recomended production quantities. In the case of woven labels, this quantity is around 500 linear meters. However, we always try to match your requirements. Please, let us know the quantity you need, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
The delivery time depends on the quantity and type of label to be produced. The standard delivery time is between 10 and 15 days, approximately. Once you place the order, we will confirm the exact delivery time. As we have significant production capacity, if your order is urgent, we have a special service that will take care of it.
You can request a price quote by e-mail, fax, or even directly via our website at “Price quotes”. Please fill in all required information. We would also recommend that you attach a file with a drawing of the label you need. It will help us better understand your requirements.
Orders can be placed by fax or e-mail. Orders for care/composition printed labels, standard labels or supplies can be placed directly via the on-line ordering system.
ETI – TEXTIL offers a global label service. It doesn’t matter where you are located. We have the right logistic solution, so that you will be able to receive your labels in a very short time. Please, contact us and place your order with us. You will receive the labels very quickly, and with a very competitive price.
The on-line catalogue contains a lot of information about labels, collections, new designs, fashion trends in labels, etc. The catalogue is continuously updated to show the most modern designs and labels.
To access the on-line catalogue you need to have a password. It is very easy to obtain one. Just click on the “Apply for a new account” button, and fill in all the required information. The password will be sent out very quickly. Once you receive the password you will be able to log in and get all the benefits of this B2B system.
The composition label should contain all information regarding the care of the garment that might be of interest to the consumer. This generally includes the V.A.T. of the manufacturer or importer, the complete address, the composition, the washing symbols and any special washing or care instructions. In the on-line catalogue, you will find different templates that can be configured with customized variable data.
If the hang tag label needs to contain variable data, such as selling price, barcode, composition, washing symbols, etc, continuous cardboard labels have an important advantage over traditional tag labels. Since they are continuous, overprinting can be done easily with a thermal transfer printer at very low cost, and with high speed performance.
With continuous cardboard labels, it is no longer necessary to stick adhesive labels on the back of the hang tag. In addition to the savings on the cost of the adhesive labels, and labor for applying them, we are also able to complete this operation very quickly and efficiently.
How to choose and interpret washing instruction symbols in clothing care / composition labels?
When proceeding to wash the clothes it’s recommended to follow the instructions explained with the care symbols that appear in the composition / care labels.
The care / composition labels contain useful information about the product for the consumer, as washing and care instructions, fabric composition, country of origin, etc. At the care / composition labels appear five symbols that indicate how to proceed right for the clothing washing and care.
1. A pail symbol indicates if the clothing should be hand or machine washed.
a) When a number appears in the symbol it will indicate the maximum temperature that it can be washed.
b) When a stripe appears on the bottom of the symbol it will indicate that the washing should be done in a delicate program.
c) When two stripes appear on the bottom the washing should be done in a super delicate program.
d) The symbol crossed means that the wash shouldn’t be done in water.
2. A triangle shape indicates us that the article admits or not the use of bleach or other products that contain diluted chlorine.
a) When the triangle paperers crossed, means that the article doesn’t admit the use of bleach or any other kind of chlorine.
3. A square shape indicates the drying process to follow in the article.
a) When a circle appears in the square, means that it’s possible to use dryer, with a moderate temperature if it has a point in the centre.
b) When in the top of the square appears half circle, the article needs to be dried hanged.
c) When an horizontal stripe appears in the square centre, the article needs to be dried on a towel.
d) Three vertical stripes in the square, indicates us that the article it’s delicate, it should be hanged up without being squeezed.
4. A circle indicates us information about the dry cleaning.
b) An A in the centre means that it can be washed with any kind of solvent.
b) An F in the centre means that can only be washed with mineral products.
c) When inside the circle appears a P means that can only be washed with products that doesn’t contain trichlorethylene.
5. An Iron symbol with a dot in the centre indicates the ironing process.
a) When one dot appears it means that the article can be ironed maximum at 110 degrees.
d) Two dots indicate that the maximum temperature for ironing should be 150 degrees.
c) Three dots mean that the maximum ironing temperature it’s 200 degrees.
d) When the bottom of the iron symbol crossed indicates us that it shouldn’t be ironed with vapour.
e) When the iron symbol appears completely crossed means that the article shouldn’t be ironed.
Consult our online catalogue in which you could find different kinds of care / composition labels.